Cost Of Visa Applications To Increase From 1st July 2015
Following the announcement of The Budget for the 2015-2016 financial year, the cost of visas is to increase from 1st July 2015, some by a considerable amount.
Offshore visa applications in the family stream will increase to match those lodged in Australia. This means that the offshore partner visa will rise from $4,630 to $6,865. Other visas to see this change include the Prospective Spouse (Fiancé) Visa, Non-Contributory Parent Visa and Other Family Visa. An exception to this change will be Child Visas, which will instead see onshore applications reduced to match the cost of those made offshore.
There will be a 5% increase to many other visas including the Resident Return Visa, Working Holiday Visa and Temporary Work Visas. Meanwhile skilled stream visas will increase by 2.3%, including the 457 Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa and Employer Nomination Scheme Visa, but this is considerably small compared to the increase in family migration.
Seeing the biggest price surge will be the Significant Investor stream of the Business Innovation and Investment Subclass 188 visa, which will increase by 50% to $7,010.
The Australian Government has predicted that the above changes will raise $437.1 million in revenue over four years.
If the increase in charges will affect you, we recommend you lodge your application before 1st July 2015.
For more information on how to get your Prospective Marriage Visa, Non-Contributory Parent Visa and Other Family Visas contact an Immigracious agent today.