
11 May 2020

How do exemptions work if I need to travel to Australia? | COVID-19 Travel Ban

Australia’s Travel Ban and quarantine requirements may be with us for some time to come, although it is encouraging to see some social distancing restrictions begin to ease. Read on to find out about Travel Exemptions that are available for limited cases.

What is the process for travel to Australia? 

Currently, only very limited exceptions have been made for critical workers to enter Australia (apart from Australian Citizens and Permanent Residence Visa holders). Travellers can also be granted an exemption for compassionate or compelling cases.

At this time, employers must navigate cross-border issues for overseas employees at an international, state and regional level. Approval now needs to be sought from the Commonwealth Government for international Travel Ban Exemptions, as well as from relevant authorities for interstate and intrastate travel.

How are Travel Exemptions being managed?

Applicants must present a well-documented case with sufficient evidence for meeting the exemption criteria to apply for exemptions for international, interstate and intrastate travel.

Many State and Territory authorities, such as Police Departments, are exercising travel restrictions that have never been enforced previously. In our experience, various ‘teething’ issues have been worked through since the restrictions commenced, however authorities have tried to be as practical and accommodating as possible within border protection limitations.

Quarantines and Delays

Employers and visa holders need to plan for delaysdue to the need to satisfy new border procedures.

This includes Australia’s 14 day quarantine requirement for overseas travellers. Interstate quarantine exemptions may be possible in some circumstances.

Migration Connections Made Simple

If you have any visa or migration concerns, please get in touch. Our migration agents can help you understand your visa options if you need to stay in Australia.

We also encourage you to seek professional advice if you or your business has requirements for travel to Australia. You can reach us at or +61 8 6185 2770.


Immmigracious’ Registered Migration Agents

Migration Institute of Australia

Media Release | Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs

Media Release | Minister for Water Resources, Drought, Rural Finance, Natural Disaster and Emergency Management

Sheila Woods

Posted by: Sheila Woods

A very experienced migration agent, Sheila has always been fascinated by this field. Her university degree thesis was on Australia’s post-war immigration history (and it earned her first-class honours).

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