Tips For Getting Sponsored Visas For Australia
Top Tips For Getting Sponsorship In Australia
If you’ve decided that you want to make Australia your new home and you’re a 457 visa holder, then you’re going to need a sponsor.
A sponsor is an Employer who deems that you are irreplaceable for their business and will fight your corner with paperwork to keep you in Australia.
So what do you need to do to get an Employer Sponsored Visa For Australia?
ENS Visa 186 Employer Nominated Scheme
Be the best! If you’re a high flyer in the workplace you are more likely to be offered a sponsor visa.
Network and schmooze! You need to make sure your employers know how good you are and how keen you are to work hard for them, this will also put you in favour of being offered a sponsorship.
However, it’s not all about kissing up, you must make sure that your company has sponsored people before – but if they haven’t – make sure your employer understands the full implications and requirements to sponsor you. Your employer should seek advice from a MARA approved migration agent, (Migration Agents Registration Authority) such as Immigracious, to help them get set up. Having international talent in any work force is an assets and we are able to help.
Unless you’re super qualified and really worth your salt, don’t ask about sponsorship during your job interview – you need to prove you’re worth it to your employer.
You must have excellent English skills – this will help you get the best opportunities out there! You’ll be asked to take an IELTS test, this is an official English Language test, that is recognised globally. Find out more about IELTS here
When it comes to negotiating a sponsorship with your employer, you may want to consider negotiating your contract and taking into account they have to cover your fees, that way they may be more inclined to help you with your sponsored visa – meaning you’re more likely to stay in Australia!
Contact A Perth Migration Agent About Visa Sponsorship
If you have any enquiries regarding 457 sponsorship, contact an Immigracious agent today at