Transitioning to permanent residency from a 457 visa
If you’re a business employing 457 visa holders or if you are a 457 visa holder yourself, here’s what you need to know about changes to the transitional arrangements for permanent residence.
Employees with a 457 Visa on 18 April 2017
The Immigration Department has confirmed that 457 visa holders and those who had lodged a 457 visa application up to and on 18 April 2017 will still be able to transition to permanent residence under the existing Temporary Residence Transition Stream arrangements.
These employees will be able to take advantage of existing transitional provisions which allow them to apply for permanent residence if they:
– Are under 50 years of age
– Have worked at least 2 out of the 3 years prior to being nominated on a 457 visa with their sponsoring employer
They will also not be impacted by the new Skilled Occupations Lists, as long as they continue to work in their originally nominated position with the same employer.
Transitioning to PR for 457 visas lodged after 18 April 2017
An employee’s eligibility to transition from a 457 Visa to permanent residence will not be considered under the existing transitional arrangements if their 457 visa was lodged after 18 April 2017. Instead, their eligibility will depend on the new legislation after March 2018 for the Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Transition Streams.
If you have any questions about the above changes, please do not hesitate to contact our migration agents on +61 (8) 6185 2770 or
To download a printable Q&A fact sheet on the new transitional arrangements for PR, click here. Immigracious will keep you updated on further developments as they arise.